Podcast Seeks to Legitimize US Spanish

Spanish speakers in the US, among linguists and nonlinguists, have been denigrated for the way that they speak, says UC Berkeley sociolinguist Justin Davidson....

Chinese ‘Linguistic Coup’ in East Africa

As part of its goal to displace American influence, China is winning linguistic hearts in East Africa (a bloc of 300 million people), by...

Ukraine Focuses on Minority Languages

Last month, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in cooperation with the European Union and the Council of Europe, organized a round...

168飞艇开奖官网直播 最新结果号码 幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史记录 Learning Chinese Stimulates Both Temporal Lobes

New evidence suggests that studying Chinese and learning to write Chinese characters may train a whole array of cognitive abilities not developed by learning...

California District Introduces Hindi

The board of Silicon Valley’s Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) has voted to introduce Hindi as a world language into its curriculum, making it...

California Bill Requiring Kindergarten Exempts Early English Testing

Parallel California Assembly (2226) and Senate (1056) Bills have been introduced that would require children to attend one year of kindergarten before enrolling in...

Iñupiaq in Action

This past fall, we were writing animal counting stories in my first-grade class. I had one of the best experiences as I was working...

School Specialty Unveils $50,000 School Makeover Sweepstakes

School Specialty is excited to announce the launch of its first-ever $50,000 School Makeover Sweepstakes. The sweepstakes invites eligible individuals to nominate their school...

幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史记录 开奖结果官网查询 168飞艇官方全天精准计划 A Bilingual Path to Literacy Success

I have been the principal at Georgia Brown Elementary School for five years, but my relationship with the school began many years ago when my own children were students there and I began substitute teaching. It’s been a real joy to see the...

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall III

Premise: Nationally, there is a higher demand for...

Project Seeks to Preserve Syriac

Texas A&M University historian Dr. Daniel Schwartz and likeminded colleagues from around the world have been working to help preserve Syriac and its 2,000...

Ensuring Equity in Reading Instruction

Early one summer, my parents moved our family into a 900-square-foot house in the central part of town that would become home for my...

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To Support the Science of Reading, Replace Disinformation with Collaboration

My first teaching job after earning a Master of Arts in teaching was at a...

Students at the Center

All educators are teachers of language—and engaging students in thinking about...

Acting UP

When I signed up for an improv theater class, I never thought to combine my...

Collaborative Planning: Never Having to Go It Alone

This experience gave me the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues I don’t usually get...

Breaking through Language Barriers

With about 7,200 students speaking 20 different languages, our district needs technology tools that support...

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SOR - Science of Reading

New America and SEAL to Co-host Webinar about Science of Reading and ELs

Concerns have been raised that methodologies based on the Science of Reading may negatively impact English Learners (ELs). On February 8, New America and SEAL will co-host a webinar that will unpack the relationship between the Science of Reading and ELs, including the misconceptions about this much debated topic, best practices for EL-identified students, and implications for dual language programs. The first panel of experts will discuss the policy implications...

To Support the Science of Reading, Replace Disinformation with Collaboration

My first teaching job after earning a Master of Arts in teaching was at a private school in Austin, Texas, for students with...

California Bill Would Mandate Science of Reading

A newly introduced California Assembly bill would require the state’s teachers to be trained and reading to be taught only according to the principles of the Science of Reading. AB 2222, introduced by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio, a Democrat from...

Small Investment Offers Big Literacy Gains

Research by Stanford University found that 75 of the lowest-performing California elementary schools that received funding from an out-of-court settlement made significant progress on third-grade state Smarter Balanced tests this year. Major news outlets, including the Los Angeles Times,...

Background Knowledge and Where to Get It

Stephen Krashen argues that those who read more know more Wexler (2023) has pointed out that a reader’s background knowledge is a significant predictor of reading proficiency. She concluded that “greater background knowledge of the topic was correlated with...

Listen to the Bilingual Science!

Two years ago, we (Dual Language Education of New Mexico’s professional development coordinators) outlined a framework for high-quality dual language education that...

Building Biliteracy

Transfer is important in all learning, but it is especially important in language-learning contexts. The purpose of this paper is to present practical,...

Laying Down the Law

Every few years, education bubbles up to the top of the political agenda in state capitols across the US and legislatures scramble to pass bills that seek to bind the state’s education policy to the prevailing political ideology. This...

Making (Language) Data CUTE:Comprehensible, Usable,Timely, and Empowering – Part I

(July 2023) Ayanna Cooper explains how we need the right data as a tool for equitable instruction


Ensuring Equity in Reading Instruction

Early one summer, my parents moved our family into a 900-square-foot house in the central part of town that would become home for my siblings and me for the next 25 years. We didn’t have much, so it only...
Language Magazine